Peak Ready Gear - Reliable Outdoor, Camping & Climbing Equipment
Peak Ready Gear - Reliable Outdoor, Camping & Climbing Equipment Peak Ready Gear - Reliable Outdoor, Camping & Climbing Equipment
Home Outdoor Gear Hiking Backpacks
Product Details

Every one of us loves hiking and camping. An adventure in the woods or a hike through the mountainous paths. Every travel needs to be planned with the right stuff required for the journey. A 33.5-litre backpack with three spacious compartments allows you to carry everything you need. Waterproof rain poncho to cover your bag and conveniently hike in the dreamy cloudy weather. Enjoy the sunshine, and grab your water bottle from the separate bottle pouch. Or take on your stuff from the quick access front pouch. Designed with an airflow back system and padded shoulder straps for a comfortable hiking trip. High-quality SBS zipper and twill polyester material with a premium quality design. Make a unique style statement with the contrasting hues and iconic patterns of our Scott Checks Deep Dive.

Fabric 400D Twill Polyester PU Coated Fabric, 420D PU Coated Plain Polyester, 210D PU Coated Lining
Zipper #5 SBS Zipper/ Runner
Compartment Three spacious compartments
Front Pocket One
Rain Cover Poncho Rain Jacket in bottom zip 
Warranty 1 Year
Other Features - Spacious compartment
- Quick access front pocket
- Waterproof rain poncho
- Standard organiser
- Airflow back system
- Padded shoulder straps 
- Litter pouch
- Water bottle pouch
Dimension 18.5x13x8.5 inches
Capacity (Liters) 33.5
Weight (Grams) 795
Back Padding Cushion (Grey)
Organizer One Main Zip Pkt, One Small Mesh Zip Pkt, Two Flat Pkts, Two Pen Loops.
Handle Padded
Bottom/ Bush Emboss PVC Fabric
Side Pocket One Water Bottle Pocket
Litter Pouch Yes
Water Repellent Yes
Included Items Backpack and Poncho Rain Jacket

Arctic Fox Scott Checks Deep Dive big 33.5 Ltr School Bag , Camping and Hiking Backpack

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